In Ardmore Criminal Courts, the government brings a case against a defendant who is accused of breaking the law. Pay Utility Bill Online. If any of these apply to you, contact the court to verify they observe the exemption. September 28, 2022 by Jordan Seals. City Ordinances The Library is further governed by certain sections of the City of Ardmore ordinances, both within the Charter section and within the body of the ordinances. - city purchases and sales. Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021. Since the Charter can be amended only by election, the 2017 compilation is. Ardmore City Commission. If your dog is constantly barking and disturbing the peace, you could be fined or even evicted from your. 3556. Government What’s going on in ARDMORE? Parks & Rec Spring & Summer 2023 Brochure This is the brochure for activities in the Spring and Summer of 2023 for the. an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the city of ardmore, chapter 19 entitled offenses and miscellaneous provisions by adding new sections 19-60. The governing body of a municipality determines when their municipal code is updated. Location. Name Ardmore City Water Department Address 23 South Washington Street Ardmore, Oklahoma, 73401 Phone 580-226-2100 Fax 307-733-2925CITY OF ARDMORE 23 South Washington Avenue Ardmore, Oklahoma 73401 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Prepared and Issued by: Ardmore Engineering Department. My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: May 17, 2023 (current) Ardmore, OK Code of Ordinances. Important Legal FactsArdmore is an unincorporated community and census-designated place (CDP) spanning the border between Delaware and Montgomery counties in the U. S. Know the Ordinances and Charter of the City of Ardmore. The more information you provide, the more assistance we can be. Cost: $75 per child (U5-U16) $35 Mini Kickers—Age 3. The City of Ardmore City Charter provides for a Board of Commissioners of 5 members, which consist of 1 commissioner at large, and 1 commissioner from each of the 4 city wards. §4-46. The construction and/or extension of public water, sewer, gas, electric power, telephone, T. nances the City 20'4. Ambulance Service; City Clerk;Job Opportunities. 25844 Main Street . Ph: 580-223-3477. article i. Share & Bookmark Feedback Print Contact the Action Center to ask questions or report non-emergency code violations, such as high weeds, abandoned vehicles or other neighborhood problems. Fact Notes (a) Includes persons reporting only one race (c) Economic Census - Puerto Rico data are not comparable to U. The population was 1,213 at the 2010 census. Title 4. It is located 1 mile east of the Ardmore High School on Veterans Boulevard to Refinery Road and 1 block north to Carol Brown Boulevard. It is not illegal to have a barking dog, but there may be some restrictions in place depending on where you live. But if any more want. Third Thursday monthly, 6:00 p. Purchasing Department 580-221-2548. Back to Top; Online Payments. (KXII) - Ever since Oklahoma legalized medical marijuana sales dispensaries have been popping up all over Ardmore. In addition to processing, this office records all violations, collects fines and provides support to the Municipal Judge. 2. • Norman requires minors to wear a bicycle helmet. Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) 1610 University Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37921-6741. - in general; article ii. Telecommunications facilities are permitted subject to City Ordinance 2654. Operation Pride 2023 Schedule Operation Pride 2023 Schedule Additional Info. LMT has adopted a new ordinance. Title 4. Book Clubs. Ardmore City Court in Ardmore, Tennessee. 23 S Washington St Ardmore OK. 3148, enacted March 6, 2023. 2,471 likes · 242 talking about this. “All of our. Read. Skip to Main Content. Accordingly, the Ardmore governing body is authorized to increase by ordinance the dollar amount for public advertisement and competitive bidding to a maximum of $10,000. Subscribe to job posting notifications to be automatically alerted of the latest career opportunities by clicking on the Notify Me® button. Minimum Residential Permit Fee. Code of Ordinances 10-1 3. These documents should not be relied upon. view all staff. _____ _____ applicant signature date city of ardmore community development 15 first street se ardmore, ok 73401 office (580) 223-3477. (a) CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA ____________ CONTAINING THE CHARTER AND THE GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY ____________ ADOPTED: FEBRUARY 1, 1968 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 1968 ____________ PUBLISHED IN 1968 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ____________ Copyright 1968 Municipal Code Corporation Tallahassee, Florida Government What’s going on in ARDMORE? Parks & Rec Spring & Summer 2023 Brochure This is the brochure for activities in the Spring and Summer of 2023 for the Parks & Recreation Department. PASSED and approved by the Ardmore City Commission on the day of , 2011 CITY OF ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA A MUNICIPAL. Office Hours. Alert Center. Editor's note— Ord. , Section 1-104 Allows e-bikes to be used in Oklahoma. Advanced sign-up required. not intended to supplant existing laws or ordinances; City staff and designers must abide by the applicable laws and ordinances. / 40. Show Walkthrough; version: Feb 10, 2023 (current) Ardmore, OK Code of Ordinances. The City may cause the removal of any sign erected or maintained in violation of this ordinance except for legal nonconforming signs. - Performance bond or cash deposit in lieu of offsite improvements. OKC is currently changing the law to allow class 1 and 2 e-bikes on trails. Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2017-2021. code of ordinances of the city of ardmore, oklahoma; supplement history table modified; part i - charter; charter comparative table; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 - airport; chapter 4 - alcoholic beverages; chapter 5 - animals and fowl; chapter 6 - buildings; chapter 7 - cemeteries; chapter 8 - civil. 1-1. 2023-02, Amended Special Events Committee. No. The new ordinances are in place primarily for any future businesses that may want to come to Ardmore. 75 East Lancaster Avenue Ardmore, PA 19003-2323 610-649-4000. adopted 7/3/23. Domestic fowl and other exotic game birds. PO Box 249. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; PART I - CHARTER; CHARTER COMPARATIVE TABLE; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS. . Fire Department 580-221-2550. Library Policy Manual ARTICLE I. Master Plans. Boring Permits. Ardmore, OK 73401. 36. Ph: 580-223-2934. Building Group Development Permit (PDF) (6 pages) Conditional Use Permit (PDF) (6 pages) Final Plat Application (PDF) Final Subdivision Application (PDF) (3 pages)the construction will comply with all local and state building codes, statutes, ordinances and with all conditions of. 15 First Avenue SE. Go to our Jury. New Ordinances Passed in 2023. The area is the traditional homelands of the Anishinaabe, or the Council of the Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Odawa, and. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. i give permission for the city to enter the property for purposes specific to this permit. The Ardmore micropolitan statistical area had an estimated population of 48,491 in 2013. My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: Feb 10, 2023 (current) Ardmore, OK Code of Ordinances. The Clubhouse - Summer Hours . The center is closed on Sunday. 8,242 likes · 78 talking about this · 2 were here. Home; Facilities; Get Directions . 0 STANDARD ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS. Agendas and Minutes. Fx: 580-221-7360 . It is important to recognize the city ordinances for removal of animal waste (feces) as the failure to remove is a health hazard for the community. Gas. 3148, enacted March 6, 2023. 28528. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. Important Legal FactsOklahoma Statutes. The Purchasing Department is governed by City Ordinance Chapter 2, Article 3, Section 2-60. 2023-05, Declaring Piece of Property as Surplus. Pedaling the posted speed limit is not possible for most bicyclists. W. The Municipal Court office processes all violations of city ordinances and state laws resulting from misdemeanor arrests, citizen complaints and traffic citations. regulations, policies or ordinances. slide 9 to 12 of 5. 8,242 likes · 78 talking about this · 2 were here. Summary: MTAS was asked to compile some chicken ordinances that have regulatory provisions in them. The following charges shall be levied and collected by the city manager for services rendered by the city fire department for the use of all fire-fighting apparatus and personnel used in connection with fire protection or fire prevention outside the city limits of the city to-wit: (1) Annual. Loading. . 2 Reader's attention is invited to City of Ardmore Ordinances Sections 2-16, 2-17, 25-88 and Unified Development Code Section 203. Accounting; Accounts Payable; Accounts Receivable; Budget Management; Grant Administration; Internal AuditingAny customer of the sanitation department under this article is subject to the same provisions for payment of bills, penalty charges for delinquencies and other requirements set out in sections 30-20, 30-25, and 30-26 of the Code of. 25844 Main Street City Hall, Ardmore City Park, Ardmore LibraryFines for illegal dumping will be according to applicable provisions of Ardmore City Ordinances. Animals. CODE OF ORDINANCES City of ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA Codified through Ordinance No. The board of commissioners of the City of Ardmore will then determine if the lot or portion thereof is to be deemed abandoned. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain or operate any mobile home park within the limits of the City of Ardmore unless he holds a valid license issued annually by the City. Government Websites by CivicPlus®. You can also find other City Government on MapQuestOklahoma Statutes. No. City Commissioners 580-223-2934. Sec. S. For further information or to answer any questions please call 580-226-8855. Search MapQuest. 18-6. If so, the city's cemetery records will be amended to. PO Box 249. The CIty of Ardmore's GIS Information. Fx: 580-220-2933 . In unsubdivided property, unless otherwise indicated, the district boundary line on the Official Zoning Map shall be determined by the use of the scale contained on such map. In addition to processing, this office records all violations, collects fines and provides support to the Municipal Judge. Office Hours CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA ____________ CONTAINING THE CHARTER AND THE GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY ____________ ADOPTED: FEBRUARY 1, 1968 EFFECTIVE: APRIL 1, 1968 ____________ PUBLISHED IN 1968 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ____________ Copyright 1968 Municipal Code Corporation Tallahassee, Florida City Charter & Ordinances The Charter and Ordinances of the City of Ardmore are available for review and reference online. Telecommunications facilities are permitted subject to City Ordinance 2654. The official printed copy of a code of ordinances should be consulted prior to any action or decision being taken. Sec. an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the city of ardmore, amending chapter 3 section 314 of the unified development code entitled conditional use permits by amending section 314(g)(9), to include additional criteria for temporary shelters; and amending chapter 5 section 501 of the unified development code entitled the use. “All of our. Code of ordinances of the city of Ardmore, Oklahoma. Back to Top; Online Payments. LM Report-It Download the Township Mobile App Download. The City Clerk's responsibilities include: Supervises the Finance Department which includes the Purchasing Department and Utility Billing. Link to page; Water Billing OfficeCODE OF ORDINANCES City of ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA Codified through Ordinance No. The 2022 Ardmore Master Plan was being undertaken to build on and update past successes, adjust to a new vision, and address. Ardmore, City of. Revised 1-2003 AK C:WINDOWSTemporary Internet. 3148, enacted March 6, 2023. We hope this dashboard will make it easier for cities to identify peer cities and. 22, Planning Commission, derived from the 1959 Code, §§ 15-1—15-4 and amendatory Ord. Animals and fowl shall be kept only in accordance with Ardmore City Code of Ordinances. The City Clerk is appointed by the City Manager with the approval of the City Commission for an indefinite time. The city will collect and dispose of bulky waste from residential dwellings which is placed at the curb in front of the residence adjacent to the public street. 2-60. Office Hours. Commission meetings can be viewed live on Cable One Channel 56. 5%. Show Changes. Charter reference— Ordinances to be codified and published in book form at least every ten years, § 19. The public is welcome to attend these meetings. My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: May 17, 2023 (current) Ardmore, OK Code of Ordinances. The ordinances embraced in this and the following chapters and sections shall constitute and be designated the "Code of Ordinances, City of Ardmore, Oklahoma" and may be so cited. 77) View what's changed Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. ARDMORE POST OFFICE. List of Passport Facilities in Lone Grove, OK. Purchasing. Get information about the financial services the City of Ardmore offers. Important Legal FactsCity News; City Ordinances; Employee Handbook (PDF) FAQs; New Dimensions Literacy Council; Review. 79. The Daily Ardmoreite has kept locals informed since 1893. It is important to recognize the city ordinances for removal of animal waste (feces) as the failure to remove is a health hazard for the community.